Ask These Questions Before Seeing a Cosmetic Dentist in San Jose

Cosmetic DentistIf you are visiting our cosmetic dentist office in San Jose to discuss a smile makeover or what you don't like about your smile, you are in luck. We have a variety of procedures that we can use to transform a dull and ordinary smile into something spectacular. Before we can get started, we will need to know more about you and what you are trying to accomplish. As such, we recommend asking yourself these questions first:

How white do I want my teeth? This is entirely up to you. With our in-office whitening procedures, we can whiten by more than eight shades in one visit, transforming both smiles and confidence in the process. It is, however, important that you know ahead of time how white you want to go so that you are pleased with the results.

Is the right amount of gum showing? When you smile, it is normal to see some of your gums.  However, some people have too much gum tissue, and that tissue needs to be surgically removed in order for the proper amount of teeth to show.

Do my teeth look like the right size? It is fairly normal for teeth to come in either too big or too little. As a result, they can look like an odd size compared with a persons' smile. If your teeth look out of place, we have procedures that can help to change their shape.

Do my teeth need to be perfectly straight? We have multiple ways to straighten teeth, but which one we use needs to be based on what your goals are. If your goals are to deal with a few problem teeth, we can treat them while leaving the other teeth intact. If on the other hand, you mainly want to straighten all of your teeth, you may need more of an orthodontics treatment.

Are there any other imperfections I want to be corrected? Make a list of what you don't like about your teeth and bring it with you to your appointment with a cosmetic dentist. That way you can go over everything in detail and discuss the various methods for treating what you don't like. This will ensure that you and your dentist don't miss anything.

Modern technology has improved to the point where full smile makeovers are possible. It is rare to find anything about your teeth or your smile that cannot be corrected with the skilled hand of a cosmetic dentist. Even crooked teeth, broken teeth, stained teeth, and chipped teeth can all be fixed in a way that looks completely natural. That is perhaps one of the best things about cosmetic dentistry. When done correctly, you can't tell that any work was done – it simply blends in. In fact, many patients won't even remember which teeth had issues that need to be corrected. Ask anyone that has a tooth-colored filling which teeth had a cavity, and they are unlikely to be able to point it out. To learn more about your options, call and schedule an appointment.

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